Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Using Google Plus for My Business

Using Google+ for my Business


You're probably reading this because you are wondering why people are switching from Facebook to Google+ for business uses, or just wondering why you should.  There are so many facets to this question it's hard to answer easily.  However, it does come down a general idea; The public use Google to do searches for information they want, including information about your business.

What does this mean?  

Most likely, Google has taken the first step for you; getting you listed on Google Maps.  This is your Google+ Business Page.  That is where Google will list any information it can gather about your business, and list it there.  It is where people will review about your business, and the information that shows up when searching on a smartphone.

What is Google+

It has many names.  Google+ Business, Google+ Local, Google Places; but what they are is Google's way for people to find your business.  This doesn't mean finding your website, as much as people finding you business on one of Google's most powerful tools, Google Maps.  Now, it would be pretty pointless if people only found your business, so Google, along with your location listing, allows people to see information, ratings, reviews, links to your website, business description, services and much more.  However, the true power of what Google+ can do is when you take ownership of the page.

As the owner you will have the power to personalize the page, add Google Offers, make it social and interactive, respond to customer reviews, and much more.  Although websites are valuable, it is not what people are seeing on smart phones and not always first on a Google Search.  So what this means for you is that you need to make sure your Business is claimed and managed by you.

Here's a link to another great blog titled: Google+ Local: A Small Business Guide

If my Business is Already Listed on Google, Why do I Care if I Manage it?

I know, you are already on Facebook.  Businesses believe its so powerful because everyone is on Facebook and they will all see your business in social media.  But let me ask you a few questions.
  • When you want to learn about something, anything, do you search Facebook, or a search Engine?
  • How many times have you honestly searched for a business on Facebook?
    • Facebook searches are limited to what is on Facebook, and is Powered by Bing
  • Where do you get more information about a business? Google Profile or Facebook Profile?
  • When making a decision to go to a place of business, what are the "nuts and bolts" of what you want to know?
    • Location, reviews, offers, ratings, menu, decor, setting/type, look and feel
  • What has more power?
  • Compared to any other company that is social, who has the most apps, ad-ons, influence, and programs?
    • Just Google.
Perhaps the biggest reason you should care is the answer to question number one from above; people search your business using Google.  The more active your business is on Google+, the higher chances your business will be listed at the top.  Forget SEO companies, Google purposefully throws them for a loop to make it so your business has to either pay for Adwords, or be more active using Google.


No, it's not just a bird.  It is now Google's latest search algorithm.  It has been compared to putting a new engine in a car.  Not only is it much faster, but it has new things that the "old" engine might have been lacking.  It still has many of the older features, but the capabilities have now increased.  It is what has made SEO companies rethink their current process.  It helps your business stand out and be found, and how optimizing your Google+Page increases your search-ability.

Hummingbird is smarter.  Searches can pick up normal speak and recognize what you might have intended.  I'm going to follow the flow of how Hummingbird works in a search.  

Say you are on your smartphone and want to find an Italian food, and use that as you search, it will know too look for restaurants that prepare Italian food, and display them.  Then it will take into account your location, and thus put the ones closest to you.  On a Google search on the computer, it will display the Knowledge Graph based on the best result.  The Knowledge Graph, if it is a business, will display the Google+ Page, which if it is claimed and personalized, will more likely show up, will have the correct information, and look better.  

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