Sunday, June 22, 2014

Before and after images of the crash at Simeon's on the Commons, Ithaca NY.

Simeon's on the Commons

On Friday June 20th tragedy struck Simeons in the form of a run-away tractor trailer.  The rig slammed into the front of the restaurant and continued inside completely destroying the entire front of the restaurant and the three story building.  There were several injuries and two fatalities; Amanda, the bartender at Simeon's and her unborn child.  It has been a very sad 48 hours in our small city.

Below are two Google Street View panoramic 360 images.  The first was taken at the endof May this year; about 4 weeks before the tragedy.  The second was taken the morning of June 22, 2014, about 36 hours after the rig slammed into the restaurant.  They are interactive images so use your mouse on them to pan and zoom.

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